I wrote the below three weeks ago- and I put it aside to go through it again and see if it needed "cleaning up"... it probably does, but who am I kidding? Im not going to go through it again- things like this, when they come out of me, I wasnt "there"... so in that sense, I didnt write this- it just comes out... and so, it may be messy, it may be perfect... I dont know... but it is time to post it...
If you and I are there together, sitting in a room- comfortably- or perhaps we are taking a walk together, and we are talking things over... lets say that I see something very clearly- and in our discussion, it is seen together, as I speak it (whatever it is Im seeing clearly) as I speak it, we both get to see it- it becomes clear to both you and I because we are there and we are looking together... it is no longer at that place, about "me" seeing and then "you" seeing or missing- the seeing is one... the question, the frustration, the conflict, whatever it was that we were looking at together- was revealed in that moment of our looking together, its true nature was seen... it may return- it may return only a few moments later, and if it does, we look again... but when the true nature of something is revealed, the part of it that can "catch"- the part that latches on, that part has been dissipated, for even that moment... that moment when there is pure seeing, there is no "time" involved... in that moment, the illusion is dissipated... and then, yes, that illusion may take hold again, may return and attach itself moments after the seeing of it... this is the nature of the brain... it is going to do this... the important thing to understand here, is that even if/when that should occur, the dissipation, the clear seeing, has already done its work!...
nothing more should be said about this... know now, that even if the "problem" thought should return, the looking has done its work... this is important to understand... the clear seeing, was NOT from the brain... the clear seeing was not in time... the brain IS time- seeing the true nature of a thing, does not happen in time... so, time may well return, and with it, all of the worries and problems that go with it... then, we get to look again- and when we look into the nature of that return, we are less looking at the CONTENT of the problem, but now, we are looking more at the structure of the problem- which is that it was there, then a clear seeing into its nature, then a return to the content of the problem again-
but seeing the STRUCTURE of the problem, and how it arrives and how it dissipates, and then its return to the brain- this then becomes the new opportunity to come to a clear seeing... the content of the problem will only have any weight on us, if we fail to look at the structure of how these problems appear in the brain... the brain IS time- and time will always create problems by its very nature... "If/Then" is the primary problem making apparatus in the brain- I dont think there is an expression more succinctly depicting how time exists in the brain, the these two simple words, and their relationship to each other... "If/Then"...
when we actually see into the nature of a problem- the NATURE of it, not the content which includes all of the various opinions and offered up solutions and theories on causes etc etc... but the actual nature of the problem, and how it lives in ones own being- in ones own heart and mind- there is no "If/Then" in those moments of seeing... there is no solution/ opinion/ cause/ effect/ theory/ thought/ mine/ yours/... there is NONE of that, when we have an insight into the nature of a thing... ONLY the brain, comes in AFTER such a seeing, and lays claim to what it had measured as the content of the problem... and in that claim, in those measurements, Time then comes into existence- time as the "me"- this is then where the "hook" comes in- the burr, the grab, the latching onto... when the brain, poor sod that it is, comes to believe that IT IS its measurements- and thereby, living within the conviction that the world is full of problem...
the "me" is nothing more than the measurements that I make of the world, which in turn sees past and future in everything, where that is never so! there is no past and future- there is only ever NOW. we hear this, we may sense this, we make like this, we want to go hear more about this "now"... but that WILL BE the new "problem"... we now need more "now", so that (there is the if/then)... so that we can be without "problem", that only exists because we think in if/then...
this is not a simple twist of words to sound clever and make for good fun out of this post... this is a fact...
the solution to what appears to our if/then brains as a paradox, is to see the ending of the need for solution... "acceptance" has been used for this- but this will not be so either... accept nothing! LOOK!
Looking is the thing that can act on this... Looking is its own action...
this is what is most important to understand... the looking is already doing the necessary work of seeing... seeing will begin to see the structure of what is going on, over the content of what is seen... but if that should now become important, to see only the structure and not the content, then the structure merely becomes more content... and the brain will come and grab hold again...
this is why I said, its important to know that the looking has already done its work... the looking alone, will dissipate illusion, and reveal the true nature of things, of the one and the many... but with any attachment to what is seen, with any attempt to carry it with oneself, so that the "me" can have it for future, and thus, be without problems- THIS will be the very thing that creates problems- and THIS will be the very thing that keeps one from seeing clearly...
this whole thing was started as a comment about forums... how funny it is, that when a conversation moves along in an internet forum, one can say something that one is seeing ever so clearly, and have it missed by the others, precisely because it is mere content in the whirl of content that their minds are already in... and then, a day or a month later, a participant in that conversation will find a quote from some "authority" and post it, and create more opinion and argument off of that quote...
clear seeing must be created in the present- here and now- and ONLY so!... if Im bringing in an outside authority to boost a point that Im making, then Im not Looking in the here and now- and whatever it is Im saying, is more content in this vast ocean of content... none of it will be marked for clear seeing, as long as Im looking outside of myself for wisdom... as long as Im adding content to content, Im missing the seeing... Im in time- If/Then- if I could only get these guys to see what it is Im saying, if I could only get them to listen to this perfectly valid point of view, THEN I would... THEN they would... THEN the world would...
all of it misses the here and now... content, over this moments unfolding... content is born of measurement, and is born TO measure.... this moment contains nothing that is measurable... this moment just is...
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