I have friends who are Quakers, friends who are Unitarian Universalists, friends who Dialogue in the Bohmian tradition, friends who are Mystics, friends who are Poets, and so many other friends who live lives of wisdom and wonder... this is my account of the meeting with these friends...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

On Change and Path

Below, something I wrote just before Christmas, as a comment on someones blog... I came across it again earlier today, and it seemed worthwhile posting here after all... hopefully, the context will be sufficiently evident...

I think we never really leave anything or anyone behind as we travel our "path"... I think what we leave behind is a part of ourselves, that we must pick up again when the circle is completed- when we come to see the true nature of ourselves and of our Self, then it is seen that nothing was ever left behind...

I think its helpful to consider this, as we contemplate the meaning of "path"... if indeed it is "me" (or a part of me, if we would rather put it as that) that was "left", or has "ended", then of course it needs to return, to come to the ultimate "wholeness" that signifies the true "ending"

did that make sense?

all of those things that I had thought had been left for good, are now reappearing as necessary parts to be re-embraced... to come home, to the wholeness that was always here, and could never leave... even the "leaving behind" is seen to have been as temporary as when it was an active part- ALL temporal things must come to wholeness- this can be understood as losing Everything, or Gaining the Whole- either way, its the same thing- its always coming Home...

this comes down to seeing ALL form, as a mirror for self, and Self... when S/self is understood for its true nature, then the formless is also understood- at that meetingplace, we find the holy- whole- Home-

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